How to execute JMter tests

With Maven

JMeter maven plugin can be used to manage tests execution and their configuration. It also downloads JMeter plugins that are required.

To run test script use following command from the root directory of your repository with jmeter tests:

mvn -Djmeter.test.file=<test_name_without_jmx> verify

Tasks that will be executed by maven plugin:

  1. Copy all of the JMX test files held in the src/test/jmeter/ directory, and sub-directories, to target/jmeter/testFiles.
  2. Execute tests from target/jmeter/testFiles.
  3. Save JTL output file in /target/jmeter/results
  4. Generate HTML test report based on JTL file in /target/jmeter/results/html

With JMeter binary

Ho to get JMeter

Recomended way is to use maven:

mvn install

Jmeter will be downloaded to target/jmeter/bin.

You can also download it manually from Jmeter dowload page, but then you also need to add JMeter plugins separatley.

Running tests without Maven

java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar -n -t test-file [-p property-file] [-l log-file.jtl] 

-n - This specifies JMeter is to run in non-gui mode
-t - name of JMX file that contains the Test Plan
-l - name of JTL file to log sample results to
-j - name of JMeter run log file

With JMeter GUI

GUI mode is for script creation and debugging, not for load testing !

You can open JMeter GUI - ApacheJMeter.jar from jmeter bin directory

Resutls Analysis

JMeter saves output in raw format in jtl files. This can be used to prepare HTML report

Running with Maven

Maven saves JTL files in target/jmeter/results.

HTML report is generated in target/jmeter/results/html.

When running tests locally, HTML report will not be generated if target/jmeter/results/html direstory is not empty.

Generating HTML report manually

java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar -g -o

If -o <path_to_place_results> not provided then /tmp/test-report is used

Pom example used to run JMeter tests

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <name>Performance Tests</name>
                               def testReport =['jmeter.test.file'].replaceAll('/','_')
                     ['']= testReport